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The 20th Anniversary Of DREAM FINE

Reviewing our past 20 years, Dream Fine, as an early partner of Alibaba in China and established in 2004, has…

The Origin and Health Impacts of Cockroaches

Cockroaches, the resilient insects that have survived multiple mass extinctions, are notorious for their ubiquity and adaptability. The origin of one of the most common species, the German cockroach (Blattella germanica), has long been a subject of intrigue. Recent genomic studies have shed light on this mystery, revealing that the…

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Which Mosquitoes Bite Humans?

The primary mosquito species that bite humans are as follows: Culex Mosquitoes (also known as House Mosquitoes): These are common in environments where humans live.They are active at night but also during dusk and dawn.They can transmit diseases such as Japanese Encephalitis and Filariasis. Anopheles Mosquitoes (also known as Malaria…

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Why Do Some People Attract Mosquitoes?

During the sweltering summer days, it seems that mosquitoes can always accurately find certain people for “intimate contact.” This phenomenon leaves many people puzzled, wondering why some individuals are more attracted to mosquitoes than others. Firstly, we need to understand that mosquitoes do not randomly select their targets. They use…

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How to Quickly and Effectively Eliminate Bed Bugs

Before starting bed bug control, you need to confirm that you are indeed facing a bed bug problem. If you notice small red bumps on your skin or dark spots on your mattress and sheets, these could be signs of bed bugs. You should also look for small, reddish-brown insects…

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How To Choose a Mosquito Repellent?

When selecting a mosquito repellent, there are several factors to consider to ensure you choose the most suitable product for your needs. First, pay attention to the active ingredients, such as DEET, picaridin, IR3535, or oil of lemon eucalyptus (OLE), which have proven effective in repelling mosquitoes. Next, consider the…

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How do you minimize the risks of mosquito-borne diseases?

Understanding the Health Risks and Prevention Strategies Mosquitoes pose several health risks to humans, as they can transmit various diseases through their bites. Some of the most significant mosquito-borne diseases include: Malaria: Caused by Plasmodium parasites, malaria is one of the deadliest mosquito-borne diseases, with millions of cases reported annually…

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Do air fresheners eliminate odors?

They typically emit fragrance to mask odors but may use other methods of action such as absorbing, bonding to, or chemically altering compounds in the air that produce smells, killing organisms that produce smells, or disrupting the sense of smell to reduce the perception of unpleasant smells. Making Your Home…

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